
MPC Community

A cornerstone of the community for 100 years...We at MPC have sponsored many different programs in our church....

  • 1930s Women’s Auxiliary was formed.
  • 1940s The Annual Bazaar and Rummage Sale were born.
  • 1950s Women’s Association (formerly Women’s Auxiliary) held semi-annual rummage sales.
  • 1960s Women’s Association Spring Luncheon and Fashion Show were annual specialties.
  • 1960s Senior Old Boys (S.O.B.s) met for Bible study and breakfast.  After several years, they invited the wives to join and that turned into what is known today as the Mayfair Seniors Club, which meets four times a year for lunch and fellowship.
  • 1960s We had the 60-60 Group (a social group for couples) and the Live Wires (an evening social group for singles).
  • 2000s The church held ESL (English as Second Language) classes.  These Summer and Fall sessions were held at the church during the years 2003 and 2004.
  • 2000s The Mayfair Volunteers (formerly Women’s Association) held semi-annual rummage sales.  Members of the church continued the semi-annual sales through 2019.
  • 2004-2014 Our Neighborhood Bash (community block party) began in 2004 and was held during the summer months for 10 years.
  • 2005-2007 and 2011-2018 Movie Night for a monthly family-friendly movie.
  • 2009-2019 Monthly Friday evening Youth Group.
  • 2009 The Youth Group started a “chick fund” through Heifer International which works around the world to supply livestock and train the receiving families. Those funds allowed us to donate 16 flocks of chickens. 
  • 2011 E-Z Stretch Class began and was held every Monday morning.
  • 2012 The Youth Group voted to start saving for a “water fund” through the World Vision organization.  This supplies safe water innovations for communities in need.
  • 2006-2023 Contemporary Praise Service in addition to our 10:00 a.m. traditional service
  • 2015-2023 Tots Playgroup program every Friday morning 9am to 11am..


  • Vacation Bible School has been held for over 10 years!
  • Adult Bible study is held every Wednesday afternoon at 12 pm.
  • Food Pantry donations accepted and delivered to Northwest Church of Christ Food Pantry, in partnership with the Greater Chicago Food Depository.

Community Partners

Since 1899, Association House has served a vibrant, multicultural community using a trauma-informed, culturally responsive model to promote health and wellness and create opportunities for educational and economic advancement. Working in areas of high economic hardship, we fill the gaps that leave low-income individuals and families struggling. Our programs work collaboratively to meet the varied needs of those we serve: Association House High School, Child Welfare, Behavioral Health, and Community Health & Workforce Development. Visit Association House here:

Northwest Church of Christ Food Pantry, in partnership with the Greater Chicago Food Depository, Mayfair Presbyterian Church, and the Mayfair Aid Society, provides nutritious frozen, packaged, and fresh food for around 50 food-insecure families in our community each week. More about Northwest Church of Christ Food Pantry here:

     Recycle your POP TOPS Save your pop tabs! All pop tops collected go to Shriners Children’s Hospital.

You can drop off any pop tabs in the box available in the Narthex.

We accept donations of old glasses (and cases), old printer cartridges, hearing aids and cell phones. These items are donated to Lions Club of Illinois Foundation.

Alderman Samantha Nugent - 39th Ward Public Service Office-Contact 39th Ward Alderman Nugent for city service requests such as new garbage bins, block party permits, rodent baiting, and any other city needs.