Welcome to Mayfair Presbyterian Church
Chicago, IL 60630
Mayfair Presbyterian Church is a community of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ together seeking to be Christ’s faithful disciples. Through fellowship and worship we seek to be an inclusive family of God and are dedicated to serving those in need.
Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
Supper Church
Second Sunday of the month

Mayfair Presbyterian Church is a Caring Christian Community where we welcome everyone. MPC has 100 years of service to the community and many community partners.
About Mayfair Presbyterian Church
MPC is a warm and caring association of Christians, dedicated to worshipping and praising God, and witnessing to the good news in Jesus Christ, at this time and in this place. As a community we rejoice with others in their times of joy. We also help and care for those in their times of trial and need. We extend special care and concern for the children in our midst and hope to help them to develop into responsible caring Christians.
As part of our mission in the world, we seek to promote peace and friendship within our community and with all people wherever they may live. Through our Outreach programs we try to feed the hungry and serve the needy.
We extend a hearty welcome to any who would join us for worship and service.
We welcome everyone...
Mayfair Presbyterian Church
“A Caring Christian Community”
- Worship Service--(Sundays 10:00 a.m.)
- Children’s Church School--(Sunday mornings)
- Adult Bible Study--(Wednesdays 12:00 p.m.)
- Confirmation Program
- Outreach Programs
- Fellowship Programs
- Baptisms
- Weddings
- Community Spaces Available
Join Us For Worship
Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
Share The Lord’s Supper
first Sunday of each month
Office Hours
Tuesdays thru Fridays 9am to 1pm
(773) 685-0104